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Spiritual Psychic Night with Phil Phillips

Spiritual Psychic Night with Phil Phillips

Spiritual Psychic Night with Phil Phillips

⭐️   SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC NIGHT with Phil Phillip   ⭐️


Highly regarded medium Phil Phillips will be appearing at The Buttermarket - this is extra date added to his Psychic tour (his Sat 5 Oct date in Shrewsbury has already SOLD OUT!)  

Phil will give audience members some spiritual guidance, connecting with your loved ones and spiritual help and healings.

This is an evening not to be missed! 

6pm: Doors open 

(Food served from 6pm-7pm)

7pm Phil Phillips on stage (plus an interval)

End time: 9.30pm

Venue closes at 10pm

Age restrictionsUnder 18's must be accompanied by an adult

Please choose your ticket below

Regular price £16.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £16.50 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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